Friday, August 3, 2007

Easily open any Windows folder, program or file using your custom keyboard shortcuts

Wouldn't it be easy to press a key combination on your keyboard and open any file that you frequently use in Windows?

Last night, I was looking for a way to do just this and found a way.

Here is a step by step instructions on how you can achieve this:

  1. Right Click any Program, Folder or File on your Desktop (or any other location) and Click Create Shortcut. A shortcut to the file will be created in the folder the Program is located.

  2. Right Click the shortcut just created and Click Properties

  3. Select the Shortcuts tab on the Properties screen.

  4. Move the Mouse Cursor to the Shortcut key box and Press the “Ctrl” or “Alt” key on your keyboard. You will see the text inside the box will change to Ctrl + Alt + as soon as you press the Ctrl/Alt key as below:

  5. Keeping the Ctrl or Alt key pressed type in any letter on your keyboard to act as a Shortcut that you want. If you type in C, then your keyboard shortcut will be Ctrl+Alt+C key combination.

  6. Now, Click Apply and close this screen.

Press Ctrl+Alt+Your KeyLetter combination to open this Program, Folder or File easily.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

New things I figured out with Fireworks ...

now i can say my feet are truely wet with fireworks ... its a great software and I love it ...

If anyone out there wants any of these images customized with their own text, drop me an e-mail or post in a comment and I will provide it to you ...